Hey everyone!

Really excited to launch my course #Optimized to the World in the next 5 days!

This course is the work of over 10 years of experimentation and 5 years of heavy self-documentation/research compiled into 7 sections that I believe will give you the knowledge and skills to begin optimizing your body, your mind, your hormones and your lifestyle which will excel you towards accomplishing your goals in life.

I will not lie, I am 29 years old and I do not know everything so this course is not yet 100% complete. Hell, it's only like 60% complete in my opinion because many of these sections are still in the development process as I am still experimenting and learning for myself as a man in this world BUT I believe the 60% you will get on August 15th (and the lifetime access you will receive) contains the knowledge and skills that got me to my results but without all the failures, experimentation and learning curves I had to endure.

I believe the results and contentment I now have in regards to my body, at the age of 29, I can help you acquire in half the time by helping you optimize your body, your mind, your hormones and your lifestyle so that no matter what situations life happens to throw your way, you know how to manipulate your day and your life factors to have you performing at the top of your game!

I have no real intent to pushy/salesy with this course. After this little month of promotion for the course and creating some content & a click funnel to help people access the information if they believe it would be beneficial to them you won't hear or see me push this a lot.

If you look back to some of my first few videos on my intention with my YouTube channel it has also been to create a resource that I wanted as a child/teen growing up to learn from. At one point I thought my channel was this resource until I realized how disorganized it really all is so that's why I created Optimized.

I have many people ask me for coaching or advice in regards to health and fitness and unfortunately it's just way to situational to give someone a program and tell them to do this and they will garner results. Yes, it's 100% possible but it only works until that person reaches that goal, then they need a new or updated program. My goal is to put the power in your hands with this resource.

So please bare with me over the next month as I help promote this course to my subscribers as they were the people who helped me get to this point over the last +4 years and I want them to be aware that they have access to this course for a heavily discounted price for a month! Then prices go-up and you won't really be seeing me talk about it much!


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I don't think anyone can reach 'peak mental & physical optimization' without sacrificing their lifestyle or goals in someway, especially in our modern day society so its not a matter of trying to reach this unachievable goal of 'being optimal' but the mentality of trying 'to be optimized' as much as you can be in that particular situation in life.

I believe understanding the factors of life that naturally optimize and enhance our body, mind and hormones then utilizing them strategically in your life can greatly enhance your productivity, your energy levels, fat loss, muscle growth, cognitive function, etc.

Now in regards to me, I believe I'm optimized in many areas of life which is how I've gotten to this point in my life but I also willingly accept negatives for many reasons and we all do! We are all 'trying to be optimized mentally & physically' while still trying to enjoy life and live our lives to the fullest no matter what that may be for each individual. If you knew how each factor of life Optimized you and how to get the most out of it then you can allow negatives and they won't be as detrimental!

In my course I don't have rules of you can't do this or you can only do these exercises or eat these food sources. I give you the theory and fundamentals behind how to optimize these various life factors by looking into the scientific research out there and my own personal experimentation/implementation of that factor.

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how valuable is your time? your health? your cognitive function? being in control of your mind/body?

I know many people who own businesses and are investors who pay THOUSANDS of dollars monthly/yearly for training, education and coaching to improve themselves in business. But they usually look at the specific skills and strategies for their business not how to improve their minds/bodies.... Having them perform just 1-2% better mentally/physically can mean the difference between millions of dollars coming in to their business and having long term success!

I believe that my Neurohacking Experiments alone are EXTREMELY valuable to ANYONE wanting to improve the function of their brain but it's also one of my least watched experiments because it's just not sexy and doesn't get clicks. My YouTube videos also include a lot of information in regards to how I'm conducting the experiment, the factors that could affect it and what I'm noticing. In my 17 video playlist covering the Neurohacking Experiments you only really need 4-5 of the videos to actually know how/what/why/when to begin this for yourself. Or you could watch the 4 hour playlist and try to figure it out yourself.... but how valuable is your time?

I don't deny that most of the information is spread across my YouTube channel over the years but the time, effort and energy it takes to find it all and digest it in a way that actually benefits you would take you twice as long as going through the course!


GROWTH HORMONE - Effects on Growth - http://www.vivo.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/endocrine/hypopit/gh.html

A Tour Of The Endocrine System - http://www.vivo.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/endocrine/index.html