Costco Parking Lot Chaos - London, Ontario

Last year after hearing about the deaths of two little girls at the London South Costco Parking Lot I decided to do my own investigating. Below are some pictures of the parking lot design; green arrows are cars entering the parking lot, red arrows are cars exiting the lot and yellow arrows are customers heading back to their cars.

As you can see from this  picture this is just one gigantic clusterfuck. Next time I go to South Costco on a busy day I will record the chaos and havoc that occurs; people walking with no sense, diagonally walking through an intersection with a cart full of groceries, drivers paying attention more to which lane they should turn at or an empty spot, rather than the safety of those around them.

My vision and plan to fix this is to place concrete barriers at certain key areas (displayed in blue). These barriers would force cars to continue driving through most of the parking lot, taking away a lot of unnecessary choices, decisions and distractions away from the driver resulting in more focus on the human beings around them. These barriers also prevent customers from just walking straight out of the store right into the parking lot, they are forced to cross at the designated crossing paths, not freely be able to walk where they please.

Unfortunately nowadays you can't expect people to do the right thing, to take the correct path that is laid out (in paint) before them. You literally have to force them to go in the right direction or else they will take the 'easier' way. 15-20 concrete barriers would be an inexpensive way to create an assurance of safety for all the customers who visit this store. Safety first people!

If you agree and care about seeing a change then please don't just 'LIKE' this post, SHARE it as well!