My Stomach Vacuum Experiments

After years of studying/researching different lifestyles and ways to experiment with life factors to find out what is the most optimal way to live my life, I kept stumbling upon an impressive abdominal exercise that allows people to roll their abs within their rib cage.

Seeing this impressive feat as a child I immediately assumed that this was just some type of genetic abnormality or the work of a Yogi Master who spent decades and years to acquire the skills and knowledge to master this technique.

So what are Stomach Vacuums and why have they become such a big deal lately?

Over 2015 I decided that I would commit myself to documenting the progression and changes my body went through as I experimented with doing this exercise 5 times every single day.

After about 7 months I thought it would be fitting to provide a Tutorial video to help others along their journey if they would like to begin experimenting with the Stomach Vacuum for themselves.