Cast Iron Skillet Experiments - 1

I've always been interested in expanding my skill and knowledge base in the kitchen and after seeing how Cast Iron is used on television I always knew it was something I wanted to use for myself.

I had heard there were many benefits to cast iron and after receiving a set of cast iron skillets for Christmas I decided that over 2017 I would really dive in and experiment with different recipes to further my culinary skills.

This meant research.

How do I properly care and maintain this tool? What is seasoning? What can I cook with it?

I decided that in order to enhance the use of my blog and to be more informative on my path that I would begin to document the research I find beneficial to building my skills and knowledge. 

Welcome to the Cast Iron Skillet Experiments - Here are some of the sources I researched to get the most out of my Cast Iron Skillet: