Why Are There SO Many Genders (Now)?
- Mammalian embryos pass through a stage during which their sex is indeterminate
- Subsequent male and female distinguishing features arise from anatomic precursors that have the potential to develop into either sex
- Programmed in humans by X and Y chromosomes, the levels of circulating hormones secreted in the very early weeks of a pregnancy determine which anatomical feature will appear
- All fetuses will develop into females, regardless of whether they contain XX or XY chromosomes, unless they are exposed to high doses of testosterone in utero in the early weeks
In a nut shell, I believe the reason we are having a radical shift in terms of how humans now 'identify' and label themselves all comes down to hormone imbalances in the body, especially during the very delicate stage of pregnancy.
If a child is developing in utero and is not being supplied the proper nutrients, minerals and hormones then this could severely affect not just the intellectual potential of that child but also the physical wiring of their bodies which could affect them their whole life.
Many factors are affecting this:
- our circadian rhythms are off from artificial light
- our cities, water sources and food sources are tainted by greed/corruption
- we don't know how to feed ourselves and physical stimulate our bodies for optimal hormone production
- everyday products containing low levels of harmful chemicals and ingredients
These factors along with MANY others are affecting the physical/mental development of our future generations.
We are hindering the future generations by depleting them in utero.
We are creating humans that are dependent on heath care before they are even born. Humans that are hormonally depleted from birth.
Mothers lacking the knowledge and hormones to optimize their own body resulting in children who grow up to be lost in a world, questioning if their gender is the reason behind it......