I'm Getting Fat?!?!?!
Lol people over here thinking I'm getting 'fat' 😂
Yes, over the last month I did increase my bodyweight by about 5-6 lbs but I'm not 'fat'. Compared to this time last year I am currently about 10lbs heavier but I still have/had visible abdominal definition the whole time, just lost my obliques.
Now after about a week of 'cutting' (very little caloric restriction, 30 Min walking cardio at night with long Fasting widows all while still enjoying beer, burgers and chicken wings) I am right back on track! Obliques are back and it's time to get shredded as fuarkkkkk!
Upon my YouTube Journey I have several long term experiments that I am conducting in an effort to 'deflate' common misconceptions in the World and especially with bodybuilding/weightlifting.
Personally I don't believe you need to 'bulk' or gain unnecessary amounts of excessive fat to grow muscle. I believe long term, year after year of bulking/cutting is detrimental to the human body and may have implications with overall life longevity.
Over the last 7.5 years of experimenting with intermittent fasting I've managed to stay 6-pack lean year round while putting on noticeable muscle mass year after year! During the last 2 years I've also been conducting Urine Growth Hormone Analysis Tests with a Naturopathic Doctor to ensure I am maintaining a healthy hormonal output while in this constant state of leanness!
Intermittent Fasting FTW!!!