Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza - Book Review/Notes
Just finished reading Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza!
This was a GREAT read which did take me a little longer then usual because I was taking some rather extensive notes for upcoming videos and even utilizing many of the concepts for lectures in my #Optimized course AND in general just trying to take the meditations taught in this book and put it into real life practice!
I’m not going to lie, some or many concepts seem to be on the level of ‘woo-woo’, ‘The Secret’, ‘believe it and you can achieve’ type of teachings but is supported and followed up with scientific data/research which Dr. Joe Dispenza shares throughout the book.
I still have to look through some of the research he has referenced to see if it’s on the level of what I would constitute to be ‘strong science’ but in general if these concepts and the teachings/lessons/meditations he provides in this book are legitimate and can cause the types of changes to the mind/body/world that he is claiming this is a major piece of ‘human optimization’ that I believe many aren’t considering or if they are, they are very high level with it, whereas this book goes DEEP into the body and the mind.
I still have much to learn from the concepts I took away from this book but I truly believe this book will benefit you along your Journey in the world!
I will have several videos coming out in the near future based on a review of this book as well as a breakdown/analysis of some of the studies utilized but for now he are some of the notes I took: